How to practice Sense Restraint? (guarding the sense doors)

I use the eightfold path for each individual item that I need addressing in the lists I produced for desires, aversions and delusions.
So I take one item, say “anger with my wife when blah, blah”, and pass it through the moulinette of the eightfold path.

  1. what are all the aspects (pleasants, un pleasants, skillful, unskillful, etc.) around this situation. i.e. right view
  2. establish my resolve: intention
  3. watch my internal and external speech around this issue
  4. action: again speech
  5. livelihood: what in my life contributes to improving the situation or the opposite
  6. effort: quickly replace negative thinking about my wife by positive. i.e. develop gratitude
  7. sati: pay attention that my thoughts, speech, actions are as per my resolve
  8. samadhi: develop the Jhāna factor of sukha (joy, happiness) around my wife

With Metta