How to understand a mother's love in the Metta Sutta

Hi Kay,

Thanks for bringing this up again. Re-reading it, I’m really puzzled by Ven Thanissaro’s statement (mentioned in Bhante Sujato’s post you linked) that:

It’s sometimes understood as saying that we should be willing to sacrifice our lives to protect all others, in the same way that a mother would sacrifice her life for the sake of her child.

To me, the obvious way of reading the verse:

Even as a mother would protect with her life
her child, her only child,
so too for all creatures
unfold a boundless heart.

As a mother would risk her life
to protect her child, her only child,
even so should one cultivate the heart limitlessly
with regard to all beings.

Is that the boundless heart should be like the love a mother feels for her child, i.e.
“Have a boundless heart for all, like the mothers love for her child”, not
“Protect all others, like the mother protects her child.”