How truth is illustrated in Udapana sutta

In Udapana sutta ( Discourses/minor/kn/ud/culavagga/Ud 7.9 ) I asume below lines at the end truth (vision to nibban) has been illustrated.

Then, understanding this matter, on that occasion the Buddha expressed this heartfelt sentiment:

“What difference would a well make
if water is there all the time?
Having cut off craving at the root,
who would go out on a quest?”

Any one has any idea how?

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Craving is what makes one seek. Having cut craving, ones own wealth becomes visible as Nibbana. One does not feel poor anymore. The well refers to the wealth of Nibbana.
Nibbana is there all the time.

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As per the sentiment, “no use of a well if water is there all the time.” So then can we refer well as the Nibbana?

In my view,

  1. What difference would a well make, if water is there all the time? -
  2. Having cut off craving at the root, who would go out on a quest

Both the points it shows nibbana like “it doesn’t count”, however the first point shows it through negation.