If jhana is total absorption without physical sensation, why is pain only abandoned in the fourth jhana?

Some contents of the four jhanas are found in the SN/SA Vedana Samyutta, e.g. SN 36.11, 15-18 (= SA 474), SN 36.19-20 (= SA 485); SN 36.29 (= SA 483).

But the four jhanas are certainly not the core teachings of the Buddha for the cessation of dukkha.

The core teachings of the Buddha for the cessation of dukkha are essentially about Right View, according to SN/SA suttas.

So, did the Buddha teach the four jhanas for his core dhamma, although it is part of the noble eightfold path?

If the Buddha did not teach the four jhanas for his core dhamma, then, any interpretations of the four jhanas seem meaningless for the cessation of dukkha!

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