If we are all different why do we seek equality?

So when we don’t look for equality it gives space for us to be appropriate to the needs, requirements, and preferences of each individual plant. Medicine or food for one plant is poison for others. When we have personal relationships in our own communities, gardens or worlds then this type of care is possible. Someone who docent know your garden would make a mess of your schedule. Though sometimes you call for help from people to supply more fertiliser or help from an oversized dangerous tree because it’s inappropriate. At that point you may be said to be imposing yourself on nature. You can say I’m just helping nature move in the direction it is already flowing. Im nurturing it, not controlling it. When something is growing I water it and when something is dying I accept it and keep watering but take steps to clear up the mess once it has happened. If a tree is about to fall on a house its ok to trim it or bend/influence it away from its trajectory along as it its in line with right principles. Just destroying a tree because it was wrong or wasn’t a preference would be extreme. Remember we are to are subject to been cut down. You wouldn’t like to be destroyed because if someone else ideals. Maybe all trees have their place in the forest but we still need to nurture them as humans because thats our nature.

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Control and nature

Apart from the forcing belief at the end this is quite good. Its warm and funny.

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No one with desire, ill will and delusion is equal to each other because they have self-conceit. But if you want to care for them, do so in such a way that the person has been helped. No need to fret over trying to create equal, and as you say no two people are same.
But to give to them for equal happiness to them is your job.