Impermanence, What is it really?

It depends on one’s reflection, and knowledge of the noble 8fold path as well.

Part of monastic meditation subject is to see corpse decaying. Buddha projected a beautiful lady who rapidly aged to wear away the pride of a beautiful lady who listened to him.

For one who thinks diamonds are forever, it would be hard for them to uncling the attachment to the diamond. Diamonds are not forever, they decay after a long time into other less valuable form of carbon.

For those without knowledge of the path, maybe thinking too much on impermanence would make them go and become nihilist, because they don’t know a way out. As mentioned here: Truly Exist, dependently exist, dependently ceased, truly not existing - #3 by NgXinZhao Deeply seeing impermanence, makes one see lay life is not meaningful. The only meaningful thing is to attain to nibbāna. For people who don’t know the 4 noble truths, the way out of suffering is not known to them. They might get into depression or suicide, or absurdism, or something else. Like in Rick and Morty, Rick is a nihilist for seeing that there’s all possibilities in the multiverse and they are all meaningless, end up he abandoned morality.

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