Inequality and the origins of spiritual specialists

I had nightmare flashbacks to courses in Marxism from my university days upon reading the title. My nightmares were pleasantly dispelled, however, upon reading the OP. I give the writer most formal “props” that it is appropriate to give a renunciant.

This brings to mind the post Ven Sujato made, a while ago, about a section of DN with a very dense passage, involving the relinquishing of shovels/hoes/farming implements (which necessarily, at least in the case of ploughs for instance, aside from the most primitive human-run ploughs, involves horse/cow domestication), and the ‘alternative’ history of the Brahmins which the Buddha gave in the Agguññasutta, which seems to indirectly comment upon this quote that I isolated from the OP. In fact, I think that this shovel quote I am half-remembering was one-and-the-same with the Agguññasutta discussion that Ven Sujato initiated much earlier, perhaps last year.

I feel that this sentiment from the OP and that sentiment are intimately related, but perhaps that is just me.

EDIT: I found the discussion I was referring to with my incompetent cryptic remarks about shovels & Brahmins before, it is here: An extremely dense four words

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