Insert Pali and Sanskrit Characters with diacritical marks on Discourse and operating systems

Dear Piotr, dear all,

@Linda asked me to share her instructions for a Pali keyboard layout on MAC, because she had some problems uploading the attachments.

The instructions seem similar as those on the web-site @Piotr had provided a link to, but they are a bit better readable. I am not sure in how far both packages are related. Linda uses her layout package on a relatively old machine. She had received those files (see zip-archive) and instructions from Ven Punnadhammo: (16.8 KB)

  1. Put the two files attached to this email (pali.icns and pali.keylayout) into Library > Keyboard Layouts

  2. Open up “System Preferences” go into “International” and then from there into “Input Menu” and make sure the option box at the bottom “Show > input menu in menu bar” is ticked.

  3. You should now have a flag visible near the top right of the menu bar. Scroll down and you will see an option for Pali. (you may have to restart your system to get this)

  4. If you select the Pali Keymap option from the flag menu, you have access to pali letters on the option key. Example - option “a” is now ā etc. Some of the variations of “n” are located on option-period and option-comma but the rest should be obvious. [This seems similar as the keyboard layout you find as a graphic scheme in pdf-format under the link Piotr had provided.]

  5. When you are not using the Pali letters it is better to go back to your standard layout (the original flag) because the switched options will confuse some applications.

Thanks @Linda and much mettā to all,