
please go ahead and start a new topic :slight_smile: If youā€™d like us to move any posts there just let me/the other mods know by replying here :slight_smile:

:slightly_smiling_face: :sunflower:


I just want to express a word of thanks to everyone who contributed to this discussion. It was very enjoyable and I learned a lot! if I get time, I may reconsider some points in my essay in light of these, but for now, Iā€™ll just be content to listen.


Can you say more about this, Iā€™m finding it hard to see how one gets from:

  1. All dharmas are empty of svabhava


  1. Every dharma contains every other dharma / all dharmas interfuse with each other.

I can see how if all dharmas are empty of svabhava, then the barriers and differences between them are fluid and fuzzy, but it seems like a leap to say that this means that each dharma contains all others within it or that each dharma is interfused with every other dharma.

Well, dharma donā€™t exist at all in the later sunyavada thought that arose with the Prajnaparamita texts, so thereā€™s nothing to actually have fuzzy barriers. This assertion leads to a conceptual quandary. Clearly, thereā€™s a world, and we talk about things, yet thereā€™s a logic that says dharmas donā€™t have any inherent existence individually. This is the contradiction of the conventional and supreme truth.

I think this Indraā€™s Net metaphor was a way to explain this problem by superimposing both views onto each other. The jewels only exist as parts of a whole and only insofar as they relate to each other as parts of it. Otherwise, there arenā€™t any jewels. Try to look at one jewel, and you see other jewels (rather than nothing).

Thereā€™s also the poetic notion that you can see the whole in each of its parts. The Avatamsaka and other Mahayana Sutras have fractal imagery that plays into this as well: Grains of a world that contain whole countries, or entire chiliocosms that exist on the tips of a bodhisattvaā€™s body hairs. Etc. These are poetic images and metaphors that playfully demonstrate that dharmas we think are real are products of our collective agreed-upon imaginations.


Thanks, perhaps this teaching is then more of a metaphorical way of pointing to a religious experience of emptiness rather than being based on a logical argument from emptiness?

But then, wouldnā€™t you say that this is not really a ā€œlogicalā€ consequence, but more of a meditative oneā€¦?

Itā€™s very much a philosophical concept that Indraā€™s Net is illustrating, and itā€™s a logical consequence of emptiness in its collision with native Chinese philosophy. You can explore all the stuff Iā€™m skipping here because itā€™s too much of a digression in books like Changā€™s The Buddhist Teachings of Totality. He summarizes the complex philosophical models that Huayan writers built up using native ideas to comprehend Mahayana sutras. Thereā€™s probably more recent scholarship out there on the subject, but thatā€™s a good place to start for non-Chinese readers.


Thank you!

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