“Interesting” meditation experiences?

I’m a little confused about the direction of my topic here and am feeling unpleasant feelings right now. The point of my topic was to be involved in this community and to have a lighthearted discussion on interesting meditation experiences, perhaps something similar to mine. It was nothing more than that. I didn’t claim to have attained anything or reached some level of awakening or had some spiritual meditative experience. I didn’t equate my experience to Kondañña, someone else did, I assume in jest. My post was as simple as: once I was meditating and I felt an earthquake while my attention was focused on the earth. That’s it. I posted it in the Watercooler because the Watercooler is for "informal, friendly discussion, no worries.”

I’ve been on this site for a few years and am here because I love the dhamma and am serious about my practice. I don’t have a Sanga or know a single person who practices, so this is my sole connection to Buddhists. I come here to get answers, to learn, to listen, make a comment when I think it’s appropriate and to contribute to the community. My intention is to not be offensive, argue, press my opinions, get hostile or anything like that. So I’ll be happy to delete this topic if anyone is offended or thinks it’s inappropriate.