Intermediary states

I saw the article, and this workshop Bhante Sujato---Karma & Rebirth in Early Buddhism---Sydney 2015

While some interpretations mention clearly like its a flow Re-linking consciousness and bhavanga consciousness

And also referred in some sutta like SuttaCentral

‘Neither the one, O king; nor yet the other. But when his sleep has become light, and he is not yet fully conscious, in that interval it is that dreams are dreamt. When a man is in deep sleep, O king, his mind has returned home (has entered again into the Bhavaṅga), and a mind thus shut in does not act, and a mind hindered in its action knows not the evil and the good, and he who knows not has no dreams. It is when the mind is active that dreams are dreamt. just, O king, as in the darkness and gloom, where no light is, no shadow will fall even on the most burnished mirror, so when a man is in deep sleep his mind has returned into itself, and a mind shut in does not act, and a mind inactive knows not the evil and the good, and he who knows not does not dream. For it is when the mind is active that dreams are dreamt. As the mirror, O king, are you to regard the body, as the darkness sleep, as the light the mind. Or again, O king, just as the glory of a sun veiled in fog is imperceptible, as its rays, though they do exist, are unable to pierce through, and as when its rays act not there is no light, so when a man is in deep sleep his mind has returned into itself, and a mind shut in does not act, and a mind inactive knows not the evil and the good, and he who knows not does not dream.

From all above texts kind of get an outcome like there is something which exists but not which clearly defined, what kind of consciousness goes to next life and when , it kind of makes the understanding of DN15 clear but something like SN 12.1 is ambiguous then how to better understand this?

Avijjāpaccayā, bhikkhave, saṅkhārā;
Choices are a condition for consciousness.