Irrelevancy in a gendered world

John Cleese on how political corectness can lead to an Orwellian state.

Personal note, on top of that:
Why is it that when I think about “flagging”, I immediatly think about Anne Frank, or the Stasi?

Orwellian state does not admit open “unlike”.

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This is an old thread but I still would like to fix my mistake in my post here (since I can no longer edit the post that I would like to fix), which is: in the post that I said the conclusion of EA 51.9 is the taking refuge of the Three Jewels, this is only partially correct (I think I got EA 51.9 confused with other discourses).

While in AN 7.63, the conclusion is Sujata asks the Buddha to remember her as a servant-like wife; In EA 51.9’s conclusion, not only she asks the Buddha to remember her as a servant-like wife, she also realises the state of stream-enterer, takes refuge in the Three Jewels, observes the five precepts, and happily receives the teachings of the Buddha.


When i think about this thread, what happened in or through this thread, nausea rises.

The role or metaphor of a good silent all suffering wife, introduced in to a context of discussion of prevelance and effect of sexual assault on Views. The defense of professions’ dignity or reputations, as if attacked, as if a key point. The eloquent assertion that “no one signed up for this”; because being a disciple, or being subject to kamma, does not “sign one up” for discomfort or self or view examination; apparently, only volition matters…? The assertion of safety from nasty gritty experiences irrelevant… irrelevant. to some, thus inappropriate to raise for discussion. My apologizing for bruising over sensitive feelings or identities.

It was disappointing. But educational.

I will not respond to or read this thread myself. Perhaps, if really really disturbing, mods might agree to delete it. i think that would be very sad, and not harmless, but hey… not my call.