Is a Dharmaguptaka Bhikkhuni ordination ceremony available in English translation?

I’m not aware of a translation of the Dharmaguptaka bhikkhuni ordination procedure per se, but the whole of the Dharmaguptaka Bhikkhuni Vinaya, which includes the ordination procedure, was translated as The Discipline in Four Parts Rules for Nuns according to the Dharmaguptakavinaya (3 Volumes) by Ann Heirmann.

This is an excellent and very detailed scholarly study, and is available at a reasonable price via Motilal.

This is terrible, but sad to say, it is how it goes. The heart of the patriarchy is the ownership of real estate.

When we did the bhikkhuni ordination in WA, the first thing the Wat Pa Pong folks did is try to take the monastery property away. They launched a long campaign, pressuring the Thai government, holding a press conference, even organizing a few of the local supporters in Perth to stand outside the Buddhist Society with a petition. Needless to say, none of it had any chance of succeeding since, well, the BSWA owns the property.

But failing in that, they then went on an international campaign to grab hold of as many monastery properties as possible. Several long-standing monasteries that were formerly run by their local communities were forced under the sway of foreign control, all to keep the bhikkhunis out.

It comes down to power. You can have all the righteousness you like on your side, but if you have nowhere to stay, no-one will listen to you. People listen to the big men on their big seats in their big halls.