Is Hell a Kama existence?

You were on the hell is sensual realm team a few months ago: Planes of existences - #8 by CurlyCarl

Quote from you:

Are you really going to switch to the classification proposed by the OP in that other topic? Or some similar construction?

There’s nothing unusual about having thoughts which are painful. That’s basically depression, anxiety, all sorts of mental illness. Human beings are in sensual realm and we have mind base. So the beings in sensual realm has mind. Saying that hell is experienced by the mind doesn’t support that therefore hell is beyond sensual realm.

Just a possibility that you might feel that in AN4.123 it seems odd to fall from so high Brahma realm directly to hell if one doesn’t attain to enlightenment there. In traditional Theravada teaching, they do try to say that will land in human realms at the lowest first, so that got chance to avoid hell. However, it’s not implied by the sutta. There’s no need to feel odd about it. The oddness may come from Theravada influence. So there’s no need to posit a sort of higher level hell in the form realm for those who went to Brahma realm to fall into. It’s scary indeed that as long as one is not yet a stream winner, even the Brahmas are not freed from the possibility of falling so far down into hell.

Given that non-returners cannot fall into hell and still got attachments to form and formless realm, it really doesn’t make sense to posit a form or formless hell.