Is Hell a Kama existence?

Thank you Venerable. Above I used the words “most often” rather than “always”. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, the above is Theravada but not EBT. What you posted above seems to exactly support my original point that Theravada became so focused on reincarnation that Theravada manufactures its own doctrine. Theravada invents ideas contrary to AN 4.123.

While certainly most thoughts related to depression will have a sensual basis (such as broken relationship, etc); it does not mean all thoughts related to depression do.

For me, the above view of a non-returner is superficial. It is similar to the common superficial Theravada view that because a once-returner still has sensual desire that a one-returner must engage in sexual activity. The last five fetters I imagine are extremely subtle and do not involve the degree of delight for jhana described in AN 4.123. That is why they do not lead to hell.