Is Khajjanīyasutta (SN22.79) a reliable resource for understanding the five aggregates?

Oh, what did I misrepresent then? If you don’t want to discuss it, that’s fine. I may simply have been mislead by some of the incorrect grammar.

(No it has nothing to do with that. :confused: What, you think I spend I don’t know how long to write all this just out of spite? :smiley: Come on. I have no such feelings at all. That I asked you to do some proofreading on something you suggested me to publish, should actually show that I respect you. But apparently I did word things too strongly, despite me taking care. Oh well, it’s the nature of communicating on the internet, apparently, that my intentions get misunderstood. :slight_smile: I hope you at least understood my technical points. You’re not the first to get my intentions wrong so it must be me, sorry. :thinking: I just thought it good to correct some mistakes for the sake of others.)