Is the Buddha a Tragic Figure?

Hello @DKervick,

I hope you are not too bothered right now, and that you can relax out of this tiredness that got upon you.

Recently I came across something from Ajahn Bhram (in a talk?) that really helped me limit mental proliferation and a lot of the questionning that can be a bit of a drain (as you seem to have been thru - albeit I must admit at a much deeper level than I have).

It’s an advise related to meditation but I would happily extend it to life in general:

That really helped me letting go of the “doer” (not altogether, but enough to appreciate the moments of peace that come from silence - or simply doing without commenting or running away in lala-land, whether I’m washing the dishes or walking back from buying my baguette).

And remember this too will pass :wink: .

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