Is there a "Soul" in EBT Buddhism?

In light of new information…

...I ghetto-hide my original thoughts on this subject; I am playing catch-up.

I’ve been musing on ideas near this ^^ for some months.

The description of atman is typically given something like ‘eternal self’, ‘persistent self’, ‘absolute self’…something of that nature. It seems reasonable then that if ‘anatman’ = ‘no atman’, then it would mean ‘no eternal self’, ‘no persistent self’ etc. Somehow though, the ‘eternal’ (etc) qualifier is dropped when discussing anatta.

In simple language, “I / you / they” all exist:

  • even the Buddha made self-references e.g. “I have a sore back”
  • no-one will seriously suggest that we all use one shared user account for D&D forum
  • most here will have social security numbers or equivalent.

In simple terms I exist, albeit as a constantly changing process, a thought about thoughts yada x3. “I” just won’t exist beyond this life any more than Descartes :neutral_face:

:sparkling_heart: :sunflower: Ayya Khema :blossom: :two_hearts:, in this relevant dhamma talk, explicitly states at ~44’10 that “you are not going to come back”…Or as @ravi said (italics mine):