Is there such mention in the Sutta about Microbes being predicted by the Buddha?

You might want to recheck the first precept here. Hiring an assassin counts as killing in any commonsensical way you look at it.

5 conditions to break the first precept:

  1. there is a living being (target)
  2. you know it is a living being (of course, or else you wouldn’t want the target dead)
  3. there is intention to kill (yes, it’s there in hiring assassin)
  4. there is an action to kill (the action is hiring an assassin)
  5. The being died as a result of that action. (if the assassin failed, then you didn’t break the first precept).

Who does the shopkeeper pay to get his meat? The money flows back to the butcher.

Be real, who really believes the meat you buy from supermarkets are roadkills?

On MN55, read my post on the threat you sent me. Thanks for sending it. The Dhamma and Veganism/Vegetarianism
At least we agree that road kill meat is ok to be eaten, but hardly practical, common, and have you ever heard of anyone eating road kill meat?