Is train hopping/fare evasion considered a violation of Parajika 2?

No, that is NOT what I am saying at all. I am actually saying the opposite.

What matters is that one follows the eightfold path, which includes right action. It’s important that we do what is right, and not whether it breaks the rules or not.

I actually think part of the issue (with some aspects of Buddhism today) is that we are focused on what the rules say, instead of doing what is right. For example, we have would-be bhikkhunis prevented from ordination because of a “technicality”.

I would argue anyone who claims morality is “irrelevant” when one is considering whether a particular Vinaya rule has been broken or not should probably re-evaluate what their focus and their priority should be. It’s not about whether or not a rule has been broken, and what punishment if any is due. We need to stop thinking like lawyers and start thinking like compassionate beings. Then we can truly hope to achieve the cessation of craving and suffering.

None of us are perfect. Not even the Buddha - he was capable of making mistakes, and he still led a mortal life with sickness and suffering even after realisation. The Sangha is a political and social organisation, it has rules that perhaps are not perfect or can be perfectly applied. I would question whether acceptance of the Sangha is a necessary step for realisation, there were plenty of examples of the Buddha awakening disciples long before the Sangha was fully established. That’s clearly something added later on by others to bolster the importance of adhering to the Sangha. Remember, we do not know for certain exactly what was taught by the Buddha and what was added on. As the Buddha reminds us, we need to question everything and directly experience what is the truth for ourselves.