Jacobo Grinberg

I discovered yesterday the name of Jacobo Grinberg, and I found his theories interesting through the lens of Buddhism. Here are a few excerpts from a twitter thread about him (unrolled here)

This Mexican scientist claimed we live in a HOLOGRAPHIC MATRIX where we could dynamically interact with the construction of reality.

Dr. Grinberg raises the possibility that, through consciousness, the human brain can have control over the universe in which we live.

The Lattice, in the field of physics, is the structure in which space-time is found.

His theory proposes that, from the process that the human brain performs to decode perceptual reality, it is possible to establish links with the Lattice , and with it, make changes in space-time.

He postulates that we live in an informational matrix which he calls “the hologram”, in which there is the possibility of interacting with perceptual reality not only as a spectator, but as an active participant in the construction of said reality.

He set out to prove that a quantum system in the brain creates a non-local, EPR correlation among human brains. He called this phenomenon the “transferred potential” (TP), according to which a brain, suitably prepared by a period of meditation, is capable of both proximate and distant interactions with other brains, by a direct involvement of consciousness, and without sensory transmission or local effects.

Dr. Grinberg further proposed that his syntergic theory can explain the emergence of conscious experience, which he saw as the outcome of complex multidimensional interactions. The brain initiates an interaction between an energetic field (neuronal field) and the structure of space and thus gives rise to consciousness.

Against the naïve realism that postulates reality as external to the subject, Dr. Grinberg, adopting an idealistic stance, proposed that perception is neuropsychologically constructed, with information being located in space in the form of “complex patterns of energy.” Conscious experience, he thought, properly occurs when we synthesize the information-energy in space; this is how it becomes syntergic. Neuronal changes in the brain cause micro-distortions in the framework of the space-time continuum, and these, in turn, interact to create a “hypercomplex macro-distortion” of the neuronal field. The final outcome of this process is perceptual experience.

He postulates that we live in an informational matrix which he calls “the hologram”, in which there is the possibility of interacting with perceptual reality not only as a spectator, but as an active participant in the construction of said reality.

He explained that, if a person has a highly syntergic neuronal field, that is, a brain in which the coherence links are greater, he or she will have the ability to modify the hologram at will, thus achieving feats that defy the laws up to now known from physics, just as Pachita did in her shamanic surgeries.

This opens the doors to the investigation of other phenomena, such as telepathy. Grinberg carried out various experiments in which, through meditation, he managed to demonstrate synchrony between two brains exposed to different stimuli that finally produced similar results.

The most enigmatic point of this theory indicates that, if through consciousness we are able to influence the informational matrix, and that, if everything is connected from the energetic interaction of both atoms and thoughts, then there is the possibility of that we inhabit a plane that is not the total reality, that is, in a Matrix into which we have been thrown with a brain capable of understanding the operation of its physical laws, but not its origin.

With this, the idea of ​​an awakening also arises, of taking consciousness further and dominating the hologram. Under this premise, by fully understanding the operation of the matrix, we would simply disappear and reach a state of purity within the true reality.

This could not be verified and, like his studies on extraocular vision in children or telepathy, his projects remained unfinished after he disappeared at the most momentous point of his prodigious career.
On December 8, 1994, Dr. Jacobo Grinberg disappeared without leaving any clues that could help locate him. His absence has given rise to innumerable speculations; from a crime of passion or an alien abduction, to situations linked to the CIA, NASA or anyone who could be interested in what he was developing and discovering in his laboratory.

Do you think these theories could explain iddhis?

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Yup, it seems so. Cool that it’s so old, yet not popular.

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But then there’s both mind and matter in dependent origination. So… I am not entirely buying into totally idealism philosophy.

D/o is possibly a purely phenomenological approach

I would delete the ‘brain’ :brain: part, replace it with just consciousness, and say yes to that question.

The brain is a hinderance to the mind / consciousness imo when it comes to ‘supernatural’ phenomena.

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This is the kind of remark that his work invites and constitutes what I find most interesting about it.

In the paradigm of western science, these paranormal phenomena have little if any explanation, so it’s interesting to learn about people who have tried to fill that void

Yes, I agree.

It is interesting he could posit a notion as ‘out there’ as a holographic universe, whilst still holding firmly to a physical brain as part of his paradigm.

Ironically, the holding on to the physical brain as the seat of the mind, is likely why he couldn’t ( as far as we know at the time of his last writings) free his mind enough to remove the brain from the equation altogether.

I get it tho, … I was ‘that’ person for half my life and if not for direct experience, I still would be.

I would be willing to entertain any of those explanations for his disappearance. I do wonder tho if he did get there in the end :thinking:

My particular field of interest within ‘paranormal’ phenomena is physical mediumship, ectoplasmic phenomena etc … ( during which, in most cases, the mediums brain - as far as processing the mind via it- AND their consciousness gets shut down - with external interference/ influence) and things materialising and dematerialising is part of the range of phenomena, so at this point, I’d even be open to his own theory being a possible explanation for his ‘vanishing act’. I am not aware of it ever going that far with anyone, … but it’s no crazier than flying monks to my mind anyway :crazy_face::rofl:

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