Jhana Talk: Brahmali/Sujato

Dear Friends in Dhamma,

I’m looking for a Dhamma talk by either Ajahn Sujato or Ajahn Brahmali that I listened to partially between one and three years ago. All I remember is some language around the various objects of samatha being a way of tricking the mind into jhana.

Does this ring bells for anybody?

Does this approach bear any resemblance to Nanamoli Thero’s kind of attitude?

Metta and peace,
Bowing and thanks,
Upasaka Abhaya


Welcome to the forum Uppsaka Abhaya. If you have any questions about how things work Here, do please ask a general question or send a message to one of the moderators.


Dear Gillian,

Is there a trick to getting replies?

Metta and peace,
Bowing and thanks,
Upasaka Abhaya

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In this case I think it might be because no one knows. Your description isn’t much to go on, and there are 100’s of talks :slightly_smiling_face:


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Fair enough! :smile:

Thank you. :pray::pray::pray:


Greetings UpasakaAbhaya :slight_smile: :anjal:

You probably mean this amazing dhamma talk of Bhante Sujato:


Or perhaps this great talk by Ajahn Brahmali:



Dear Invo,

Thank you for your reply, I will listen to both if these very soon. I also found, How to Stop Meditating:


I’m not sure if it is the one I remember.

Again, thank you so much for the links.

Metta and peace,
Bowing and thanks,
Upasaka Abhaya


It looks like you found the trick! :rofl:
with mudita, G

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You can paste the link to any media file directly into the post (without using the :link: icon in the composer) and it will automagically present itself like this

And also please mark Invo’s post as ‘Answer’ ( button under the post, and then :ballot_box_with_check:) if one of the talks was the talk you were looking for.

There is also no need for signature under each post, as your name and avatar are already displayed at the top (but saying thanks is OK :heart_eyes:, or even better, simply marking the liked post with the :heart:).

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