Te assa yaṃ vā taṃ vā rukkhatacādiṃ ācikkhiṃsu.
John’s translation was: " They informed him of such and such tree-bark, etc."
Struggling with the “te assa” here, which might be what the “yaṃ” refers to. Might this be the stylized pronoun Alison mentioned in her [post about tasse te / so ahaṃ / tassa mayhaṃ?]
Separately, was unable to find " rukkhatacâdiṃ" in either DPD or UofChicago, nor even as a searchword in sutta central. " Tried several variations of rukkhata to no avail, and finally only used reverse lookup to discover that rukkhattaca" is tree bark… so still am at a loss as to what the full phrase pre-sandhi is… or how you found its defintiion when first encounting in the wild, @johnk .
Te assa … ācikkhiṃsu.
They to him … informed (about). Ācikkati takes the dative.
… yaṃ vā taṃ vā rukkhatacādiṃ
Here yaṃ vā taṃ vā, literally “which or that or” is an idiomatic expression meaning such and such (something stated non-specifically)
And rukkhatacādiṃ breaks down before sandhi as rukkha-taca-ādiṃ, where ādi is the Pāḷi word meaning etc. or and so on.
Note that taca is in the G&K glossary for this chapter as “bark”, thus the whole word is “tree bark, etc.”