John Kelly’s Pāli 2024 (G&K) Class 35

Thread for discussing John Kelly’s Pāli 2024 (G&K) Class 35 for the class on December 8th / 9th 2024.

Meeting ID: 829 5896 1475
Passcode: anicca

You will need to remain in the “waiting room” until host lets you in.

Homework preparation for this class:

  1. Complete G&K Lesson XII: Further Readings (Dhammacakkappavattana), pp. 173-176

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I’m sorry to miss tonight’s final class (Nutcracker season !) but thanks for including me. Hope to see you all again!


Sorry you won’t be there too, Stephen. It’s been good to have you participating when your schedule has allowed.


Dear all, when I wrote this message the last class has just ended. I am horribly sorry that I missed the last class :sob: Oh, what a big pity to me!!! I have been assailed by a horrible flu since a few days ago and have been trying different medication to control the strong symptoms. I was knocked out yesterday and slept through the day. Don’t know why, my mind thought today is SUNDAY last night so I didn’t set the alarm for the class. I am so sorry that I cannot attend the last class :broken_heart: I treasure the chance to study with you all so much. I will listen to the recording and continue my self-studies and I can’t wait to study with some of you again in John’s Feburary class.

Please accept my apology again. And… John, my deepest gratitude to you…


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Sorry you have been so unwell, Mickey, and I hope you are already starting to feel better.

Today, after reaching the end of the G&K, we spent some time going through The Five Reflections. Here for you and all your class-mates is the Pāli and my (fairly free) translation. It is something I chant every day.
Five reflections.pdf (35.4 KB)

With your being ill and being sad to miss the class, note especially reflections 2 & 4!

These reflections come from AN5.57.


Thank you again John!!! Will certainly study the Five reflections not only as Pāli language studies but also for Dhamma reflection. Look forward to learning from you again in February.

Dear John,

May I know when will the last lesson’s video be available on the Google drive? I am eagerly waiting to download it.

Thank you in advance for the taking the trouble to look after and guiding us.


Hello Mickey,
Sorry you have been kept waiting to see the video of our last lesson that you missed. Usually @Sumana had been putting the recordings up, so I assumed that had been done already and didn’t bother. However, I’ve just loaded it now.


And this reminds me that I haven’t yet put up here my trilinear version of the Chapter 12 exercises. Here it is now
G&K Readings 12 trilinear.pdf (272.1 KB)

I assume some of you find this useful. Also, I hope that going forward with your own attempts at translations from the suttas, you are making use of this valuable technique. I find it very useful.


Dear John,

I am so sorry I completely forgot to upload it. After finished your class, I decided to fly to New York for Bhante Bodhi’s 80 birthday. I have been tossing around the idea and finally I made the decision at last minute so I packed my suitcase, rushed out of the house and jumped on the plane that afternoon after class. After 28 hours fly, I made it to Bhante’s birthday.

Thank you so much for posting our last class! :pray:t2::sparkles:


Hi Sumana,

I’m in complete awe that you decided to fly all the way to New York for Bhikkhu Bodhi’s 80th birthday!! :pray:

Was there a big celebration event at the monastery where he lives? How did it all go and how did Bhante seem with all the fuss?

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Dear John,

Thank you so much John! Bhante was surprised and happy to see me. When I opened the door at the Dining Hall, he said: “You made it!”. It was so worth it seeing Bhante there and the birthday cake was delicious! :birthday: I surprised myself too! I can’t believe I found a very reasonable priced flight ticket at the last minute. I got on the plane on Monday evening and arrived at Chuang Yen’s Dining Hall on Tuesday afternoon at 12:30pm. I was a little late for the Party and everyone had finished their meal. Lucky me Bhante was still there. I arrived just after they finished taking group photo.

These are the video from the day.