Thread for John Kelly’s Pāli 2025 (G&K) Class 1 for the class on February 2nd / 3rd 2025.
Meeting ID: 829 5896 1475
Passcode: anicca
You will need to remain in the “waiting room” until host lets you in.
This initial class for the Beginners’ Pāli Course will be a basic introduction to the Pāli language covering features of the language and pronunciation. No prior knowledge of Pāli required.
Homework preparation for this class:
None (though you will all find it advantageous as the class moves forward and picks up momentum to have gained familiarity with the first 8 to 10 chapters of Lily de Silva’s Pāli Primer).
Also, there was a request during class for information on the roots of Pāli words. I found this document here: Pali word roots.pdf (111.1 KB)
Finally, the recording of the class today is available in a folder on my google drive. The link to access that folder is here
If you have to miss a class for any reason, or if you want to review any of the class from today, then you can go to this folder to to find it. I hope it works - if not please contact me.
Finally, in preparation for our next class (in two weeks time), here is your homework:
Homework – Class 1
• Review Gair and Karunatillake
– Introduction, Pages xi through xvi
• Study G & K Lesson 1
– Glossary (pages 2-4)
– Grammar (pages 4-11)
• Work through Lesson 1 Readings and write
down your answers (pages 1-2)
The classes will be held at the same time every second week, Landis. So for you 16 Feb, and I think US West Coast time would be 3pm, which will change to 4pm when you soon go ahead to daylight savings time.
That’s a very, very good question, @Balthazar, and I’m very glad you asked it! Indeed there is supposed to be a video recording accessible on that drive, but some distracted and busy person (that would be me ) forgot to do the final step of putting the recording in the right folder. DEEP APOLOGIES everyone!! You all should be able to find it now.
Well, I am sorry to have called you on that! I mean, I myself wound up missing the whole first meeting because of unforseen issues, so who am I to judge? But thank you for getting back to me on this! I’m looking forward to joining you guys in 2 weeks.
By the way, will we be trying to do one lesson in G&K per session, or will it slow to 1/2 or something else? Personally, I like the thought of an intensive approach, but you know best, of course!
We will do up to two lessons per each G&K chapter - maybe less, but never more. I’ve found that a fully intensive approach, while perhaps good for a few, is not good for the majority of students. It works best for us to go through as much of the reading exercises incorporated in each chapter as possible. So the whole course will take between 20 and 25 lessons.