Just a quick first jhana poll

Dear @Ratana,

This is a Forum about the Early Buddhist texts. Many of the people here have devoted substantial parts of their lives to the accurate translation and transmission of the Words of the Buddha. The Buddha Dhamma, is not an ‘opinion’ or a ‘View’. It is a deep and profound awakening to the way things Really are - like a ‘Law of Nature’.

Through his teachings The Buddha has provided a Path of Practice for others, to lead them out of delusion and out of the cycle of samsara. It isn’t something to be voted on - but something to work towards through study and to realise for oneself through practice.

I’m not voting because from my perspective this isn’t a very wise or skillful way to move forwards in understanding the Dhamma. It is like having a popular vote on whether the Earth is Flat or not.

Lets say 1,000 people voted, but they had Wrong View - It wouldn’t matter if 100% of those people expressed the same opinion, if it is still based on Avija - if it is not Right View, then it is not correct. If you had 1,000 people, only one of whom was a Noble one with Right View (without Avija) - and the results showed 999 people agreed with something, yet that single Noble One didn’t - then even 99.9% agreement also means nothing and is not correct. Worse, it can lead to those wrong views being strengthened in the 999 people.

The Dhamma is not a democratic process

I can only speak for myself here, but these are some of the reasons why I have not voted.

I hope that this feedback is not discouraging to you, and that you will continue to Discuss and Discover what the Buddha taught. :smiley:

With Metta
May your practice bring you peace and happiness :pray: :dharmawheel: :slight_smile: