Knowing that living beings (such as insects) will directly be killed as a result of your actions?

I have a real-life example, of which I think illustrates well what I wanted to discuss regarding this topic.

I went to burn wood earlier and picked up a log to put in the already-burning fire. When picking it up, a bug crawled and fled into a hole inside the log.

Now, had I used the log and put it into the flames (rather than take another log), fully knowing there was a bug that crept inside a hole in it, would I have…

  1. Intentionally killed a living being?
  2. Broken the first precept?
  3. Would this have been an unwholesome action (kamma)?

I think ‘yes’ for the first, although it would be good to find Sutta references to support this position, and definely ‘yes’ for 2 and 3.