Live chat support for (main site, not the forum)

:slight_smile: Actually, this touches on one of the confusing points I see with newcommers, namely the difference between SutaCentral and Discourse. It’s obvious to us, but to new people it’s not. Especially because the colour scheme and logo are the same.

Yes, absolutely. There would be the need for training and review of the logs. I imagine, though, that there will be an 80/20 thing going on where 80% of the questions will be similar and easy to predict and 20% will be more unique requiring referral or followup.

The more I think about it, the more curious I am about the types of questions people may ask.

To me, this thread alone could justify live chat…

I would suggest taking a very experimental but responsible approach to this. As I understand it there are no monetary costs involved unless we need to pay someone to set it up, which I doubt. I don’t think it will have an impact on server load (although I don’t really know). There is some time investment with training, but it could be ramped up slowly.