Lobha, Dosa, Moha

Hi everyone.

Hope that helps.

Sanskrit references


In Sanskrit, the root is √ लुभ् lubh

  • To be perplexed or disturbed, become disordered, go astray (Aitareya Brāhmaṇa).

  • To confound, bewilder, perplex, derange (Śathaphana Brāhmaṇa).

  • To cause to desire or long for, excite lust, allure, entice, attract - or - to desire greatly or eagerly, long for, be interested in (Mahabharata; But that might be a later meaning).


  • Alobha: “non-confusion”, steadiness (Aitareya Brāhmaṇa).


  • Bewildered, confused (Aitareya Brāhmaṇa).

  • Greedy, covetous, avaricious, desirous of or longing for (MBh).


राग rāga: has the meaning of colouring or dying. Also in what might be late MBh and in Upaniśad (?), it has the meaning of: “any feeling or passion, (especially) love, affection or sympathy for, vehement desire of, interest or joy or delight in”.


In Sanskrit, the root is √ मुह् muh.

  • Become stupefied or unconscious, be bewildered or perplexed, err, be mistaken, go astray (Ṛg Veda).
  • To stupefy, bewilder, confound, perplex, cause to err or fail (Ṛg Veda).
  • To become confused, fail, miscarry (Śathaphana Brāhmaṇa).

Manomuh: perplexing or bewildering the mind (Atharva veda)


  • Loss of consciousness, bewilderment, perplexity, distraction, infatuation, delusion, error, folly. (Atharva Veda).


In Sanskrit, the root is दुष् √duṣ

  • To become bad or corrupted, to be defiled or impure, to be ruined, perish ; to sin, commit a fault, be wrong (Aitareya B - Chāndogya U)

  • duṣkṛt - acting wickedly, criminal, evil-doer (Ṛg Veda - Atharva Veda - MBh).

  • duṣṭi - corruption, defilement, depravity (Atharva Veda).

  • viḍus - to defile, corrupt, disgrace (Ṛg Veda)

It has retained later on, the general meaning of wickedness and corruption.

As दुष्ट DUṢṬA:

  • duṣṭa - guilty, culpable (Ṣrauta sūtra).

Duṣṭa has the general meaning of defective, faulty, bad, wicked, malignant, offensive, inimical, a villain, rogue, evil-natured, malignant, vicious.

As दोष DOṢA:

  • Offence, transgression, guilt, crime (Śrauta sutra?)
  • Fault, vice, deficiency, want, inconvenience, disadvantage (Upaniṣad?)

Sutta references


AN 6.44

AN 10.174

SN 1.29

SN 35.127
In this sutta there is the pericope “Lolaṃ kho, bho bhāradvāja, cittaṃ". Bodhi has translated lola as wanton.
लोल lola [√lul] in Sanskrit means: moving hither and thither, shaking, rolling, tossing, dangling, swinging, agitated, unsteady, restless (MBh).
This goes pretty much along with: “being disturbed, becoming disordered,” from the √ lubh above. And with “bewildered - deranged”, from the texts referenced above.

Lobha seems to convey the meaning of being unsteady from a (sensual) stimulus.


SN 1.46

SN 56.41
This sutta shows the meaning of stupefaction that is carried by the Sanskrit √ muh; particularly from the Ṛg Veda reference.

“Stupefaction towards unexpected things (& experiences)” seems to be the meaning of moha.
“Bewilderment, or confusion resulting from the failure to understand”, seems to be an adequate (long) definition.


“And how is hostility (offensiveness, wickedness,) born of affection? There is the case where an individual is pleasing, appealing, & charming to (another) individual. Others treat that individual as displeasing, unappealing, & not charming, and the other one thinks, ‘This individual is pleasing, appealing, & charming to me. Others treat this individual as displeasing, unappealing, & not charming.’ He gives rise to hostility for them. This is how hostility is born of affection.
AN 4.200

Here, friends, I see a certain person being reprimanded at an improper time, not moved (motivated) at a proper time; being reprimanded about what is false, not being moved (motivated) about what is true; being reprimanded harshly, not being moved gently; being reprimanded in a harmful way, not being moved in a beneficial way; being reprimanded by one with hostility, not being moved by one with a citta of loving-kindness.
Idhāhaṃ, āvuso, ekaccaṃ puggalaṃ passāmi akālena codiyamānaṃ no kālena kupitaṃ, abhūtena codiyamānaṃ no bhūtena kupitaṃ, pharusena codiyamānaṃ no saṇhena kupitaṃ, anatthasaṃhitena codiyamānaṃ no atthasaṃhitena kupitaṃ, dosantarena codiyamānaṃ no mettacittena kupitaṃ.
AN 5.167

“If one does not grant pardon to those who confess transgression - Angry at heart, intent on hostility , One strongly harbours enmity.
Accayaṃ desayantīnaṃ yo ce na paṭigaṇhati - Kopantaro dosagaru, sa veraṃ paṭimuñcati.
SN 1.35

"Lust and corruption (depravity) have their cause here (in this - the following):
Rāgo ca doso ca itonidānā:

Developed from affection (fondness for), arisen from oneself,
Snehajā attasambhūtā
Strongly attached to manifold sensual pleasures
Puthū visattā kāmesu
SN 10.3

Having heard sounds both pleasant and raucous,
Do not be enthralled with pleasant sound.
Dispel the course of hate (hostility) towards the raucous,
And do not soil the mind by thinking,
‘This one is displeasing to me.’
SN 35.94

One has not dispelled hostility. Because he has not dispelled hostility, other people disturb him. Being disturbed by others, he manifests mental disturbance: he is reckoned as violent.
Doso appahīno hoti. Dosassa appahīnattā pare kopenti, parehi kopiyamāno kopaṃ pātukaroti. So caṇḍotveva saṅkhaṃ gacchati.
SN 42.1

Dosa seems to convey the meaning of: Hostility, wickedness, corruption, depravity, defilement.
