Locations of SN suttas

In a recent post here, seniya refers to Bhante Sujato’s GIST (Grand Integrated Sutta Theory) from his 2005 book “History of Mindfulness.” I have been scanning through the interesting book, and found an interesting table (5.3, p.90) analyzing SN56 and the corresponding SA suttas – the insight I found particularly interesting it is not necessary just the location the suttas mention was important (often they are not), but that when a new location is mentioned, it seems to suggest something is happening to the type of the content of the sutta(s) following.

What is the latest state of research into SN/SA regarding sutta locations? I am wondering if any more work has happened in the past 15 years that take up the above insight from Bhante Sujato?


There has indeed been more research in following years. Ven Analayo, of course, is by far the most prolific writer in the area.