Looking for original sources of stories in Ṡatapañcāśatka in Pali Canon

thanks a lot!(非常感謝!)

in fact , the PTS converter leads us to SN 7.14, which is another story…


Dear venerable teacher:
for the Drag Po householder’s conversion, I’ wondering if it’s about the householder Ugga? (is he fierce at all? )


v.124 That the harsh became gentle, the niggard
bountiful, the cruel tenderhearted - this was
the result of your skill in expedients.

郁伽,梵名Ugra ,巴利名Ugga 。又作郁迦長者、優迦長者、郁瞿婁長者。全稱郁迦羅越長者。意譯為最首長者、功德長者、威德長者、雄者長者。為佛世時,毗舍離城附近之象村(巴Hatthi-ga^ma )人。據中阿含卷九未曾有法品郁伽長者經所載,長者曾於鞞舍離大林中,集女妓娛樂,飲酒大醉,尋遙見世尊在林樹間,端正姝好。長者見佛已,即時醉醒,往詣佛所,聞世尊說四諦法而斷疑惑,並盡形壽以梵行為首,誓願受持五戒。佛滅後,自以一切財物惠施,願如轉輪聖王,乃至希求生於第四禪天。又大寶積經卷八十二郁伽長者會載,佛在給孤窮精舍時,彼嘗問在家、出家菩薩之行法,佛乃為其廣說三歸五戒與出家之四聖種行。[雜阿含經卷九、大智度論卷三十三、玄應音義卷八、慧琳音義卷十四]

I haven’t seen this word in ages. A friend on mine had to transcribe some sort of out-of-court settlement over that word.

The word, of course, is perfectly fine and perfectly suitable, but the man still, I believe, had to pay some sort of fine or something, just because the word sounded too much like another word. In many ways, we have a broken legal system on the west. Anywho, enough off-topic chatter from me, and be careful when you use that word when speaking to Americans. They likely won’t know what it means and will think you are saying something else.


thanks for your info! in fact, the English rendering is done in 1951… and the newer version by Ven. S. Dhammika is in 1995 :slight_smile:

Drag Po, maybe it could be found in Tibetan sources :祈祷:

Dear friends,

I’m very glad to share with you the info of the publication of my translation work ebook (in Traditional Chinese language) – there’s no English version yet, however :slight_smile:

The Ṡatapañcāś atka of Mātŗceţa: translation & commentary in Mandarin Chinese.




(the proceeds/incomes of this ebook will be offered/contributed to the Three Jewels in our temple/monastery)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind help with Dharma and language, and rejoice in your generosity of sharing.

I wrote about you in the Acknowledgments.

Wish you will find time to visit China and have a good journey to witness the ancient Buddhist culture!

All the best,



Wishing safety, health and happiness to you and all beings!

May all sentiment-beings have health, long life, prosperity and all your kind-hearted wishes be fulfilled according to the Holy Dharma.



Congratulations on completing your work, Henry. Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu.


thanks very much! everyone!