Mae Chee Kaew's anagami fruition

I felt a bit suspicious about Ven.Mahaboowa’s attainments after reading one of his books and let me quote the para which made me feel suspicious of his attainments- "The body breaks up and disappears but the heart does not break up, and when it goes from this body it goes into another body, and leaving that one it goes on to another. Going higher, lower, up and down, because of those things which are within the Citta, that the Lord called “Vipaka,”[38] which arise from Kamma — i.e., the actions that the Citta itself does.-(dhamma teaching of acharya mahaboowa in London ,ninth meeting.) according to my opinion this utterance of mahaboowa corresponds the teachings of jains and other Indian religions which prevailed during Buddha’s era which Buddha declared to be of false beliefs. Ven.mahaboowa is literally referring to a mind which is everlasting and eternal which is totally different to buddhist doctrine of anicca. a yogi who’s engaged in contemplation of the mind will obviously experience the impermanent nature of the mind which frequently changes every can a mind which is always subjected to change travel from one body to another? my personal take on this is that this kind of misunderstanding may occur due to unbalanced meditation lacking contemplation of the mind . I am not underestimating him but,this is just my personal interpretation on this and please forgive me if i am mistaken.

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