Meaning of rūpa and its implications

Great answer. What stands out most for me is when you said,


I love your use of the word “discriminate” to translate viññāna, as it takes into account the vi- prefix in a way which I haven’t found any other translations do: that is to say, it actually takes it into account.

(I’d be interested in how you deal with the saṁ- viz. saññā.)

I was already pretty much in agreement of most of the rest of your post.

I don’t know if you’re aware, but @Vaddha and I have been following a similar line of dialogue as it pertains to DN 15 on the Best Namarupa Translation thread (here). That thread has paused, but we are poised to continue with it. (In fact, I will be posting there shortly after this.) Please, you are invited to join in. As I remember, you subscribe to Gombrich’s and Jurewicz’s views on the continuities between DO and Vedic theories of cognition. Your contributions would be most welcome, I think, especially regarding nāmarūpa.