Mettā Sutta: Could the two locations become identical?

This difficulty was what generated the discussion in Metta Sutta, finding it. I share your concern about access for new readers. & I had to have a similar problem I was having with the Dhammapada carefully explained to me by the ever-patient @Aminah (for which many thanks).

And there are similar issues for those of us wet-behind-the-ears finding various other suttas. (If I can’t find the one I’m currently looking for I’ll have to send out another message for help later today!)

I don’t think the texts @Snowbird identifies could be combined because the texts came out of different baskets originally? And the structure of the original Tipitaka is what it is. Anyway, this is definitely an issue for @admin and out of the reach of the mods. Maybe @Aminah can share some thoughts for us?
