Mindfulness at the Computer: Alpha 4 Release

Round two! :wink:

I’ve never used the app in full screen mode and probably won’t start to. :smiley: Further, by “ignorability” I guess I more meant, swiftly dismissing them rather than literally not seeing them.

To my own tastes I like the notifications as they are - a little softer, and less prodding, and in turn, for myself, more effective. Saying that, I don’t even always read them, the pop up box is enough of a cue.

Again, a principle I’m very fond of! And I think you pull it off very well. That said,

For my two pennies, I think establishing a firm intention can be an invaluable support for commitment / following through with action and such. I’d personally probably encourage revisiting the idea and seeing if it can be written in, in such a way that is in keeping with the simple design aspiration. Again, however, I really must stress that I was inclined to chalk up my own comments in this area for 2.0 territory.

Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!

For myself, I just don’t want to use my hands. I guess that leaves you voice recognition, air-wave sensors or telepathy! :wink:

You’ll perhaps notice that I keeping using “for me, personally, etc.” Please don’t let my feedback distract you too much: I use stuff how I use stuff, and I’m sure it just doesn’t speak to other users in many / most cases.

Also, maybe it helps to think of the app as a grown child venturing out into the world and doing all sorts of unexpected things. I completely appreciate that this is your centre piece, but in my own case, at least for now, it is the regular (gentle) invitations to break out of bad habits that are most valuable.

From my POV, I’d wind back a step or two. It’s only in my conversation with you that I (very happily) really registered the point about actually leaving my computer. “When” to my ears makes it optional.

My 5min thought would go something more along the lines of:


How’s that for one simple message (although the text itself is a big clunky - I did say 5mins)! A follow on might be a full list or perhaps something like:


I don’t want to alarm either your or your system, but green tea does actually have caffeine in it (in much lower amounts than black tea, although I am in possession of one particular green tea that really has some kick).

Not at all, I know full well that when you’ve been working on something engagement from the outside world can be useful, so I strove to engage. Just don’t let my feedback sidetrack you too much. As I’ve said all along, it’s a lovely app and also, I’m by no means representative.

Happy development. :slight_smile: