Mindfulness at the Computer: Alpha 4 Release


I’ve never used the app in full screen mode and probably won’t start to. :smiley: Further, by “ignorability” I guess I more meant, swiftly dismissing them rather than literally not seeing them.

Okay, i’m unsure if we are talking about the same thing, i was thinking about the rest window that has a black background and that you (so beautifully) have experimented with the design of

In any case i understand you are more concerned that the user can very easily dismiss dialogs, like for example this one by clickin “skip”:


Is this what you are thinking about? Something else?

For my two pennies, I think establishing a firm intention can be an invaluable support for commitment / following through with action and such. I’d personally probably encourage revisiting the idea and seeing if it can be written in, in such a way that is in keeping with the simple design aspiration. Again, however, I really must stress that I was inclined to chalk up my own comments in this area for 2.0 territory.

I actually discovered a hidden feature that we have in the application: It’s possible to set a breathing phrase but with a single text, which might be a metta practice phrase (“may i be happy”), and this will then (as with all breathing phrases) show up in both the breathing dialog and the breathing notifications





Is this something that you can use do you think for the same purpose? (Also i’ve brought up the idea again with Marieke to see what she thinks)

For myself, I just don’t want to use my hands. I guess that leaves you voice recognition, air-wave sensors or telepathy! :wink:

:smiley: I was thinking about some other system also, but the easiest i could come up with was moving the mouse slightly

Also, maybe it helps to think of the app as a grown child venturing out into the world and doing all sorts of unexpected things

I love this image, yes this is a good mental attitude for us right now, things will change!

I completely appreciate that this is your centre piece, but in my own case, at least for now, it is the regular (gentle) invitations to break out of bad habits that are most valuable.

Of course i am glad you are using our application but there are other applications out there that you may also be interested in like workrave If you think it’s better for you i’d be grateful for this feedback actually, maybe there is something that we can learn from them

From my POV, I’d wind back a step or two. It’s only in my conversation with you that I (very happily) really registered the point about actually leaving my computer. “When” to my ears makes it optional.

Oh, okay this is good for us to know! I really like the design you have done here, would you be interested in joining our project as a designer? :slight_smile: Otherwise i am very happy with our interaction so far :slight_smile:

I think the design you have here is very elegant and in that way i prefer it over our current design

We have also been thinking about setting a “minimum rest timer”. We didn’t want to do like the “pomodoro technique” and have an exact time specified because in my experience that can stress me

I will bring up the text suggestion with the others to see what they say. We want to use gentle language but at the same time it’s important that the user leaves the computer

I like the idea of hiding the rest actions behind a button, from a design perspective it looks nicer i think, and also the centering of the text looks good. I’ll think about this some more, maybe centering everything including the rest actions would be one option?

Thanks again for all your feedback! Btw can i ask if you know anyone else who might be interested in trying the application? (Maybe for alpha.5) We really need user feedback, and i’ve read in a book that it’s best to have about five users, now we have you but not many other’s giving us feedback

Also just want to say that i’m a bit concerned because i know you have much to do and i’m writing these long texts, so please only write and help us “with the joy of a small child feeding a hungry duck” :slight_smile:

Kind Regards, Tord