Mindfulness, right mindfulness and attention in Abhidhamma

Yes, HHDL and his companions were comparing Dr. Gethin’s report with Abhidharmasamuccaya & Abhidharmakośa, I think.

It seems that they expected them to be mostly the same, but perhaps that only how I interpreted the dialogue.

So do you think that Dr. Gethin misspoke? Perhaps he mean to say that sati is exclusively sobhana?

I am not an Abhidhamma expert. I found this on the internet:

‘lofty’, beautiful, pure, are called, in Abh. S., all states of consciousness excepting the unwholesome and those without roots (ahetuka).

It’s from Wisdom Library. It is an unsourced quote from the Pāli Canon, I think. I’ll need to do more research before I can say more useful things to you, I apologize.

25 Lofty, pure (sobhana)
(a) primary (in every lofty consciousness)
Confidence (saddhā)
Mindfulness (sati)
Moral shame (hiri)
Moral dread (ottappa)
Generous (alobha)
Hatelessness (adosa)
Equanimity (tatramajjhattatā)
Tranquillity of mental factors (kāya-passaddhi)
Tranquillity of consciousness (citta-passaddhi)
Agility or lightness of mental factors (kāya-lahutā)
Agility or lightness of consciousness (citta-lahutā)
Elasticity of mental factors (kāya-mudutā)
Elasticity of consciousness (citta-mudutā)
Adaptability of mental factors (kāya-kammaññatā)
Adaptability of consciousness (citta-kammaññatā)
Proficiency of mental factors (kāya-pāguññatā)
Proficiency of consciousness (citta-pāguññatā)

These are the factors they are talking about? Yes?