MN 22 - a single anattā doctrine Pali sutta

SN 22.81
‘so loko so attā’ is exactly what spiritual self identity is all about.
“Such is the world, such is the spiritual atta”, is the wrong conception.
Loko is the world of senses, (the internal grounds/fields of sensory experience [ayatanani] + the ensuing clinging/appropriated khandhas) - SN 35.82
Note that lujjati does not mean “disintegrating”, but “causing pain”. Lujjati: [Pass.of ruj,corresponding to Sk.rujyate → pr. √रुज् ruj ]
√ रुज् ruj- to cause pain , afflict (VS.)

So the eye is afflicting, and the associated feeling (for instance), is also causing pain.

You say:
SN 22.152 doesn’t show a progression but thinks that as soon as I identify with any khandha I automatically become an eternalist - which doesn’t make much sense to my mind.

Identifying with a khandha is to believe in the Vedic creed, that khandhas are eternal. That is to say, to identify the khandha made personal pronoun atta, with the spiritual atta - that is to say to believe in the continuity of the personal pronoun atta, as the spiritual pronoun atta.
“This clinging/appropriated khandha is Mine”, is the first wrong conception to be ridden of.


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