Multiple types of arahant: a later development? Is the Pavāranā Sutta corrupted?

It’s a gradual development of faith or saddha, pretty much like the gradual development of any relationship:

There is the case where, when conviction has arisen, one visits [a teacher]. Having visited, one grows close. Having grown close, one lends ear. Having lent ear, one hears the Dhamma. Having heard the Dhamma, one remembers it. Remembering, one penetrates the meaning of the teachings. Penetrating the meaning, one comes to an agreement through pondering the teachings. There being an agreement through pondering the teachings, desire arises. When desire has arisen, one is willing. When one is willing, one contemplates. Having contemplated, one makes an exertion. Having made an exertion, one realizes with the body the ultimate truth and, having penetrated it with discernment, sees it [10]. MN70

If you are thinking of zen satori type experiences, I think they are very different from stream entry.
Even when the Buddha was mentally guiding people to stream entry he had a method which does map on to the above steps, the N8FP, the three trainings etc albeit not overtly explicitly. See here for the gradual discourse (anupubbiya kata): Ud 5.3

"The basic practice of neo-Advaita is self-inquiry, via the question “Who am I?”, or simply the direct recognition of the non-existence of the “I” or “ego.” This recognition is taken to be equal to the Advaita Vedanta recognition of the identity of Atman and Brahman, or the recognition of the “Formless Self.” Neo-Advaita - Wikipedia

Asking a question such as ‘Who am I’ is said to be unwise contemplation in MN2: SuttaStudy 4: Sabbasava sutta 'All the taints' MN2. The later inquiry seems to end with a Large Self outside of the small self- pretty much like Ekhart Tolle’s teachings. This is one of the views which is said to be wrong according to the following sutta:

"The one who, when delineating a self, delineates it as formless and infinite, either delineates it as formless and infinite in the present, or of such a nature that it will [naturally] become formless and infinite [in the future/after death], or he believes that ‘Although it is not yet that way, I will convert it into being that way.’ This being the case, it is proper to say that a fixed view of a self formless and infinite obsesses him. DN15

I believe this is because Tibetan monks are aware it isn’t that. It could be called an introduction to mindfulness of the mind (cittanupassana) as per EBTs.

More the reason why what they practice isn’t stream entry, unless of course you assume thousands of years of Tibetan buddhism has got it wrong and has accidentally turning themselves into stream entrants.

with metta