Multiple types of arahant: a later development? Is the Pavāranā Sutta corrupted?

Hi Senryu

Yes, as TheSynergist identified, I have posted a link to Rod’s article in the opening post for this topic: Suttas with other possible versions of the gradual path

It would seem either the well known Theravada commentator Buddhaghosa (~1000 years after the Buddha) followed the nun Dhammadhinna’s analysis (in MN44), or the analysis was attributed to her, possibly around Buddhaghosa’s time, or earlier. I have not found that analysis attributed to the Buddha anywhere in the First Four Nikaya.

The common ground we seem to share is that we both believe SE can happen in absence of (some of) those factors. If it were not the case, it would seem to me that the Buddha would not have entered the stream and realised enlightenment.

The first two would have been absent for the Buddha on his path.

  1. Association with people of integrity is a factor for stream-entry.
  2. Listening to the true Dhamma is a factor for stream-entry.

But the enlightenment story indicates he did develop the next two:

  1. Appropriate attention is a factor for stream-entry.
  2. Practice in accordance with the Dhamma is a factor for stream-entry.

would seem to me to cover all four factors, but I would qualify ‘awakening’ to ‘stream entry’ (path). SE fruit (=non-regression) would require some practice/application, not just sitting around listening, imo.

Yes, that’s fine with me. Just that I distinguish between SE path and SE fruit. So, for me, all that can apply to SE path, when one may have only developed faith that had not yet been confirmed in experience and had not eradicated all of the first three fetters.

Even for SE fruit, for me there can be and should be doubt on various (worldly) matters, such as the quality of translations of texts, but once the path has been tested and found to be effective in experience, I believe, no one can dissuade one from it, or make one doubt it.

best wishes