Nandati Sutta SN I.12

Nan dati Sutta (SN I.12) – Deleite Em Savathi.
Em pé a um lado, a devata recitou este verso na presença do Abençoado: “Quem tem filhos se deleita com os filhos, quem tem gado se deleita com o gado. As aquisições deveras são o deleite dos homens; sem aquisições não há deleite.”
[O Abençoado:]
“Quem tem filhos sofre pelos filhos, quem tem gado sofre pelo gado. As aquisições deveras são o sofrimento dos homens; sem aquisições não há sofrimento.”

Vivemos em um mundo que precisamos de trabalho, estudo, temos filhos e nos preocupamos em que eles cresçam, se tornem melhores a cada dia e possam cuidar de suas vidas.
Ao ler o Nikaya vemos que filhos, aquisições, gados (acho que significa bens materiais) tudo gera sofrimentos, como viver de forma a tornar isso mais leve?

Nan dati Sutta (SN I.12) – Delight In Savathi.
Standing to one side, the devata recited this verse in the presence of the Blessed One: “He who has children delights in his children, he who has cattle delights in cattle. Acquisitions are indeed the delight of men; without acquisitions there is no delight.”
[The Blessed:]
“Those who have children suffer for the children, those who have cattle suffer for the cattle. Acquisitions are indeed the suffering of men; without acquisitions, there is no suffering.”

We live in a world where we need work, study, we have children and we care that they grow up, become better every day and can take care of their lives.
When reading the Nikaya we see that children, acquisitions, livestock (I think it means material goods) all generate suffering, how can you live in a way that makes it lighter?

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In short, you embrace the noble eightfold path gradually and steadily until you are in position to let all these things go and allow awakening to take place.
A good sutta to understand how that takes place, in theory, is DN2:

DN 2: Sāmaññaphalasutta—Michael Beisert (



The meaning of “dukkha” is threefold:

  1. Dukkha as suffering. Namely pain, sadness, loss.

  2. Dukkha in the sense of impermanence, change. Everything that changes and is impermanent is dukkha.

  3. Dukkha in the sense that all conditioned things are dukkha.

You can be happy to have good children, have a good career, have sufficient wealth. In fact, poverty can make suffering. But possessions of children, careers, money, are impermanent… they are all conditioned… so it is called “dukkha”, which in translation into other languages is simplistically translated as suffering.