For me the lifestream of Sumedha (in a former life this was the Buddha meeting Dipankara Buddha i an very devotional moment) to Gautama is about becoming a Buddha to serve the wellbeing of all beings in the best possible way.
In many lifes this stream was devoted to this goal. And it culminated in Buddhahood. He became a living vehicle of purity, truth, love, compassion. With great abilities to help others. His heart was fully opened, his mind fully awakened. Always in a state of grace.
From helping beings in a direct manner with their needs in this life, he more and more evolved towards helping them also in an ulitmate way, in a more definite way to end the suffering. He yearned for true knowledge about this. But that arose from goodness, nobility, not from escapism and pessimism about life, i believe.
I feel in the lifes of Sumedha-Gautama there was always this sincere goodness, this purity. Always wanting to serve the welbeing of others. Not for ones own credit or praise or merit or future but just because that is what feels right for the Purehearted Ones. That is what pureheartedness naturally wishes, doing good and helping others, establishing welbeing for everyone.
I believe from such inner beauty arises all these great qualities Buddha had and also other people have. I believe he was grateful to be alive and being able to help other beings in many former lifes too. Even if this would come with his own death. And it came with his own death too.
For one who has such a pure heart, such pure wishes to always serve the wellbeing of others, the purity of that wish, THAT is the one and only noble path for me. For me there is no other Noble Path. This is true connection with Dhamma for me. The heartfelt wish to do good and serve the temporary and final welbeing of other beings.
For me this is the life of the Buddha. Pessimism is not part of this. Buddha was grateful, as it were, that he was even able to help 1 ant, or one fish that was caught on the dry, let alone to guide all beings to definitive the end of suffering. It is such a purehearted goodness. But from there all arises, the total Path, i believe.
For me that is the living Buddha in us too. It is for me not about being optimistic or pessimistic about life. More being connected to the natural purity of the heart.
Never seeking ones own praise and glory, never aiming at self-glorifcation, that is what real pureheartedness is about, i feel. That is a real sincere living, noble living/
Buddha did not seek his self-glorification but he always wanted something to honour because that is the nature of the pure heart too. It is devotional of nature.
It is devoted to truthfulness, to purity, to goodness. Buddha decided to honour the Dhamma, says a sutta. Not himself. I feel this is all so great and also very rare.
I can see in my self that i often seek self-glorification. I want people to think of me as wise, good etc and am disappointed and sad people do not see me this way, or even feel digust or just ignore me. This I am conceit is still so strong. But i also know and see this is not really me but it is a very strong narcistisch habit, a dart in the heart.
I feel, Buddhas purity is amazing. He was grateful to be alive and being able to help others in a temporary way and in his last lifes in a more definitive way.
Nibbana is for me not about escapism but about having the greatest abilities to serve the welbeing of others.