Nazism and Buddhism

Hi Westbury08,

When i read the OP and listened to Jason Jorjani’s interview, i did not hear any mention of Nazism hence i raised the question, but then when i searched his name on Youtube, i found that he was associated with Richard Spencer and the alt-right which might explain where you found the connection with Nazism.

Historical interpretations can be endless, but it is not uncommon to find that the founders of major religions are usually traced back to noble tribes. When the Buddha taught that by deed one becomes an outcast or Brahman, it does not mean that people are born equal considering that favorable births are not completely random and to a large extent the result of good deeds in previous lives.

Can we consider the arya sangha a different race of men? in my view, this is very plausible considering that Buddhism can be compatible with evolution where the average man differs from other animals only in degree, but not in kind. If some individuals are able to transcend Kama loka, which is by definition a supramundane attainment, then what they share with normal humans is merely physical appearance.

I personally don’t see anything intrinsically wrong with what you quoted by Julius Evola.