Nazism and Buddhism

It’s just not possible to ground any racist or supremacist ideology in Dhamma. If you think you’re better than others because of some feature of your body/mind, you’re simply not seeing clearly.

Then what is the point of teaching black and white kamma and their relationship to rebirth (which is future form and mind)?

Except Evola is an influential fascist philosopher, popular among modern white supremacists who try to give their terrible ideology a veneer of intellectual respectability.

It makes sense to be highly skeptical of Evola and the people who push his ideas, IMO.

Maybe he is influential among westerners. I did not read any of his writings, but i knew that Ven Nanavira Thera was influenced by his book “Doctrine of awakening”.

The human mind is purposive, so as a general rule, i don’t believe in anything that is agenda free in relation to worldly truths. I am equally skeptical about history in general and how its usually written by victors. I am not old enough to witness first hand Nazis or fascists in action, but the victors of WW2 which i came to witness do not seem very benign or ethical, and demonizing the Nazis or fascists (as a unifying and consoling belief in our post modern virtues) seem to be no longer working, evident by the rise of populism nowadays.

In the video shared by the OP, Jason Jorjani spoke about the non-binary relationship between good and evil, which i believe to a large extent to be true.

Please, forgive my pessimism about human nature.