Nibanna, the Deathless, and Self

SF 293 (Sanskrit Sarvāstivāda Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra) & SA 176 (Chinese Sarvāstivāda Smṛtyupasthānasūtra):

  1. adhyātmaṃ kāye bahirdhā kāye ’dhyātmabahirdhā kāye / 內身 […] 外身 […] 內外身 […]
  2. adhyātmaṃ vedanāsu bahirdhā vedanāsu adhyātmabahirdhā vedanāsu / 內受 […] 外受 […] 內外受 […]
  3. adhyātmaṃ citte bahirdhā citte ’dhyātmabahirdhā citte / 內心 […] 外心 […] 內外心 […]
  4. adhyātmaṃ dharmeṣu bahirdhā dharmeṣu adhyātmabahirdhā dharmeṣu dharmānupaśyī viharati / 內法 […] 外法 […] 內外法法觀住

[In this way they meditate by observing an aspect] of the body inside; […] of the body outside; […] of the body inside and outside [… an aspect] of sensations inside; […] of sensations outside; […] of sensations inside and outside […] of mind inside; […] of mind outside; […] of mind inside and outside […] of phenomena inside; […] of phenomena outside; […] of phenomena inside and outside[.]

To quote Ven Sujato:

Internally means in one’s own self; externally means outside one’s self; and internally/externally means seeing with wisdom that inside and outside are essentially the same, for example, that the earth element inside and outside are just the earth element.