No rebirth - what happens next?

Sn12.68 basically says stream winner sees Nibbāna. If you have seen nibbāna, then you’re basically claiming attainments and wondering why other people don’t see the unchanging is to wonder why other people are not stream winners like you.

More likely explanation is that you haven’t developed the deep Jhānas to look deep enough to see arising falling of all conditioned phenomena. What is regarded as constant currently is just concepts we put onto reality, conventional reality which can seem constant.

So yes, people who are not stream winners or once returners reborn or haven’t attained to at least stream winner yet, generally do put layers of concepts onto ultimate reality and see conventional reality, thus mistaken somethings as constant. The danger is to create a notion of that constant concept as Nibbāna itself.

It takes a lot of time meditating to get deep Jhānas to be able to see arising and falling down to the moment by moment mind moments, of which trillions and trillions of them happen in a fingersnap. Just like a movie is just a series of still frames, when it goes too fast, we don’t see the individual pictures, so too when the mind is undeveloped, it cannot see the moment-to-moment arising and falling described in the Abhidhamma.