No rebirth - what happens next?

Is also oke. As long as you do not think that the absence of conditions is nothing. It is called the Truth in Dhamma. Also Supreme Emptiness. In the absence of conditions the Truth reveals.

Synonyms for asankhata are: the truth …the far shore …the subtle …the very hard to see …
the freedom from old age …the constant …the not falling apart …that in which nothing appears …
the unproliferated …the peaceful …the freedom from death …the sublime …the state of grace …
the sanctuary …the ending of craving …the incredible …the amazing …the untroubled …
the not liable to trouble …Nibbana …the unafflicted …dispassion …purity …freedom …not clinging …the island …the protection …the shelter …the refuge …” (SN43.14 -43)

Must we really think of nothing after a last death as 'the amazing, the very hard to see…the subtle :grinning:

Does not matter at all.
Also Maha Boowa speaks about the Citta as the absence of conditions.
Whole point of Dhamma is the transcedental, the pure, the supra mundana, that what does not depend on conditions.

Buddha did not create nor make nor produce Nibbana ans Nibbana is surely not Buddhist.

There was a diversion in this thread with a segue on dukkha, for which a thread already exists. Posts starting with the change of topic to dukkha have been moved to that thread. Please keep this thread close to the topic of what happens at parinibbana when there is no rebirth.