Non-evil platforms for Buddhist monks/nuns to post on, escaping GAFAM/FAANG/whatever

OK, the entire list of highly-commendable characteristics (which @sujato listed here) is really hard to completely satisfy, sticking entirely to Open Source:

  • open source
  • transparent,
  • no ads
  • privacy
  • non-algorithm based
  • accessible UI
  • discouraging greed, hate, and delusion
  • responsible management
  • non-monopolistic

I could list what my open source technology “stack” is comprised of (that I use on my website here), but the problem with that, is that each individual Open Source enthusiast is bound to pick some different favourites in their “stack”. This is because the Open Source world has the (fortunate) problem of having an overwhelming number of competing open source technologies which roughly accomplish the same functionality.

For example, I prefer Linux distros like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, MX Linux, and Debian (no one distro does it all, unfortunately), but then my monk friend Paladhammika is a big Arch linux fan, so what to do? I can’t simply grab him by the front of his robes, shaking him, demanding that he ditch his deviant Arch habit. Yes, even though he is much more junior than me! :slightly_smiling_face:

So how to cut down on all the various opinions? Here’s one suggestion… there are a couple of other monks I’ve met who also have Computer Science degrees: @Khemarato.bhikkhu , @Jhanarato (and yours truly). The opinions that such rare monastics offer, when it comes to this domain of knowledge, are IMHO worth 10x anyone who doesn’t have a Computer Science degree (and ordained as a Buddhist monastic). Just like a chartered accountant knows 10x more than you non-accountants out there know, about actually doing proper accounting.

The one exception here is @sujato, as I feel he’s done a great job of picking the technologies he uses for Suttacentral. His choices are as if he had a computer science degree. And I’m sure he knows people who have Computer Science degrees, listening to their advice.

Also of note: Niyyānikā Bhikkhunī has a former professional background in UI design or something like that. I strongly trust her tastes in selecting good technology.