Non-Theravadin Patimokkha Recitation

It’s rare. In Thich Nhat Hanh’s Tradition they have a regular pratimoksha where rules are spoken in the vernacular (not pali/Sanskrit) and monastics actually can bring up issues for discussion, quite unlike the purely ritualized meetings of the modern Theravada. Iirc Abhayagiri (an Ajahn Chah monastery in California) has experimented with incorporating some of their innovations into their own Pātimokkha, but I haven’t lived at either place as a monastic so I don’t know too much about it.

A rumor I heard recently was that in medieval China, during one of the occasional periods of repressing Buddhism, it became quite dangerous for the monastics to gather and recite the Pātimokkha and this is why the tradition stopped in the Mahayana… but this is also in need of a proper citation