Notes on geography for Map of Early Buddhism

###The last lot added:

Pajjanika / Sajjanela
Sappasoṇḍikapabbhāra / Sappasoṇḍika
Sāmuga / Sāpūga
Sumāgadhā / Sumāgavā
Senānigama / Senānīnigama

EDIT: oops, should have added @Vimala as per the above.

###A couple of question marks:

Suvidehā: I don’t quite know what implication of Bhante’s essay on the Suvidehans has on the plotting of Suvidehā. For my two pennies worth, it seems quite fine to think that MN34 is not referring to Videha, but going by paras. 2 & 4 of Bhikkhu Bodhi’s translation I find it difficult not to conclude that there was some place immediately on the other side of the Ganges where the cowherds were leading (be it calamitously or with joyful success) their cows towards and that it was likely to have had a place name.

Noting Bhante’s point that “Suvideha is never identified as a political entity, the text simply uses the common idiom ‘among the Suvidehans’”, I remain intrigued by the detail that the sutta seems to be talking in very literal, geographically anchored, terms about moving cows from one specific/identifiable location to another.

Despite being completely out of my depth on the Pāli front, going by Bh. Bodhi’s translation and SC’s Lookup dictionary it appears as though in addition to not identifying any political entity on the northern shore, the sutta also doesn’t identify Magadha as the place from which the cows began their journeys, but instead talks of a Magadhan cowherd driving them. Nevertheless the assumption seems pretty safe. To me it feels around about as reasonable to assume Suvidehā was their destination.

I guess there’s just an insufficient evidence base to do anything with regards to the point?

**Thūṇa:** [Bimala Churn Law]( links Thūṇa with Sthānvīsvara, and [The Lives of Indian Images]( gives Sthānvīsvara as modern day Taneshar. Taneshar falls in the north-western tip of SC map's Kuru approximation area so (assuming the map's territory approximations aren't grossly inaccurate) disagrees with the DPPN's idea that Thūṇa is in the Kosala country.

Thūṇa is given as the western marker for the ‘Middle country’ and maybe one detail that may support Taneshar’s candidacy is that the distances between Sāvatthī-Kajaṅgala (650km) and Sāvatthī-Taneshar (590km) are roughly speaking equal (Sāvatthī, being where the Buddha identifies the boundary and might thus be taken as the middle of the middle country in regard to the horizontal(ish) axis).

Worth adding?

###And finally

Filed as clutter not worth the bother

Taṇḍulapālidvārāya / Taṇḍu­la­pālid­vāra / Tandulapāladvāra
Tindukkhānu / Tindukkhānuparibbājakārāma
Paṭiyāloka / Patiyāloka
Pāvārikambavana (near Kosambī)
Mahāvana (near Vesāli)
Laṭṭhivana / Latthivana / Latthivanuyyāna
Salaḷāgāra / Salalaghara
Suppatiṭṭha Cetiya / Supatiṭṭhacetiya

Filed as unresolvable

Kuṇḍadhānavana / Kuṇḍiṭṭhāna / Kuṇḍikā / Kuṇḍiyā / Kuṇhāna
Setakaṇṇika / Setakannika

And thus was the list concluded. Now the real fun can begin! :smiley: